Цитата из "Юный король" (The Young King, (1888 г.)), из цикла «Гранатовый домик» (The House of Pomegranates; 1891) английского писателя Оскара Уайльда (1854 – 1900). Писатель пишет о юном короле, который познавал новое и прекрасное во дворце:
"Секреты искусства лучше всего познаются в одиночестве, а Красота, как и Мудрость, любят одиноких поклонников."
На английском языке:
"Upon these journeys of discovery, as he would call them-and, indeed, they were to him real voyages through a marvellous land, he would sometimes be accompanied by the slim, fair-haired Court pages, with their floating mantles, and gay fluttering ribands; but more often he would be alone, feeling through a certain quick instinct, which was almost a divination, that the secrets of art are best learned in secret, and that Beauty, like Wisdom, loves the lonely worshipper."